So, for a long time I have been teaching in my classes that you should be using keywords in your URL to assist with organic listings. Now, I have changed my theory on this quite a bit. I have now discovered with some testing that using a completely unique URL does far more for your business then keyword stacking. I call it keyword stacking, who knows what you call it. By unique URL I mean a name that you come up with that has little or no exposure on google at all. When you use keywords in your URL you throw yourself into an ocean of other URL's with similar structure. You don't want to do this. Also, it is very hard to build a brand on a URL that looks like a couple keywords thrown together. Now, keep in mind, I am referring to choosing a domain name when you plan on building a business that you are going to keep and pursue, and that is going to stick around. If you are building mini sites or landing pages then I would stick with the keywords for your URL. But, if you want to peak Google and Yahoo's interest very quickly then come up with something so unique that when you type the word itself into the Google search bar without the dot com after it, only 3 pages come up for the word itself. I have tried this, and believe me, it works. I split tested this with keyword URL's and the results are pretty interesting.
Let me get your gears turning for a minute so you can see where I am coming from. Some of the most successful websites have domain names such as: Google, Yahoo, Zazzle, itunes, twitter, ebay and so forth. You get the point. Very simple names, easy to remember, and the word itself had little existence until these websites came along. I'm talking about building a brand though. Your domain name isn't going to do you much good if you don't back it up with some hard work. For building mini sites or landers, using keywords in your URL is still an acceptable method. But if you plan on building a brand and a business, then you may want to consider using a very unique domain name that you can build a business on.
Let me get your gears turning for a minute so you can see where I am coming from. Some of the most successful websites have domain names such as: Google, Yahoo, Zazzle, itunes, twitter, ebay and so forth. You get the point. Very simple names, easy to remember, and the word itself had little existence until these websites came along. I'm talking about building a brand though. Your domain name isn't going to do you much good if you don't back it up with some hard work. For building mini sites or landers, using keywords in your URL is still an acceptable method. But if you plan on building a brand and a business, then you may want to consider using a very unique domain name that you can build a business on.